Horizon Ag
variety hero

The Provisia® Rice System with varieties PVL03 and PVL04 has consistently proven it is the best, most reliable ACCase-inhibitor herbicide system available. PVL03 has been the top planted rice variety in Louisiana for the past two years and PVL04 gives North Delta farmers a yield edge over PVL03, plus cleaner fields. Horizon Ag is the clear leader when it comes to Provisia rice varieties.


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New PVL04 is the first Provisia Rice System variety developed by the University of Arkansas breeding program. Multi-state tests show that it performs similar to PVL03 in the Coastal Region and better in the Northern Delta Region. It contains the Pi-ks and Pi-ta blast-resistant genes and has shown very good straw strength. PVL04 matures about two days later than PVL03 and, like PVL03, it has excellent package quality.


  • Developed by the University of Arkansas
  • Improved yield over PVL03 in the Upper Delta
  • Excellent package quality
  • Contains Pi-ks and Pi-ta blast resistance genes
  • Very good straw strength
  • Two days later maturity compared to PVL03


  • Plant Height¹: 40 inches
  • 50% Heading: 84 days
  • Lodging: Moderately Resistant
  • Grain Quality: Excellent


  • Seed/lb²: 18,250
  • Seeding rate³: 50-60 lb/A
  • Nitrogen rate⁴: 120-160 lb N/A
Disease RatingsVSSMSMRR
Sheath BlightO
Bacterial Panicle Blight*O
Narrow Brown Leaf Spot*O
Kernel SmutO
VS = Very SusceptibleS = SusceptibleMS = Moderately SusceptibleMR = Moderately ResistantR = Resistant
  • This variety has genetic markers for Pi-ta, which confers resistance to the following blast races: IA45, IB1, IB49, IB54, IB45, IH1, IG1, IC17, IE1.

*Reactions may differ due to variability of strains among pathogens.

  • 1 Height will vary with plant density and environmental conditions.
  • 2 Seed/lb is not an exact number; it is an average from multiple samples harvested over a wide geography.
  • 3 Seeding rate is a suggestion based on drill-seeding in ideal conditions and fungicide/insecticide treated seed. Planting non-treated seed is not recommended. Seeding rate should be increased by a minimum of 10 lbs/A when using non-treated seed, planting into a rough seedbed, water-seeding, high-pH soils and soils with salinity issues.
  • 4 Nitrogen rate is a suggested rate based on a two-way split nitrogen application with the first application being applied on dry soil.

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